Officers & Men ofthe 191st FA Bn.
It is my honor to commend the officers and men of the 191st Field Artillery Battalion for the fine work they have done in support of the operations of CC "A" 4th Armored Division. During these operations, which cover the period from 21 August 1944 to 24 September 1944, and the ground from (Orleans, Sens, Troyes, Vitry Le Erancois, Chalons S-Mur, Commercy, to present location), and represent a successive string of victories so far unequalled in this war, the artillery, by its fire and movement, has supported and protected, harassed and interdicted with as fine spirit and technique as it has ever been my pleasure to witness.
Several of your officers have been recommended for decorations for gallantry in action against the enemy. To all of you, officers and men, I want to express my appreciation for the superior standards of discipline, morale and cooperation you have maintained throughout what has been a difficult and hazardous campaign.
1 look toward future operations without misgiving, secure in the knowledge that we go forward to final victory.
/s/ A. Graham
Lt Col Field Artillery
Artillery Commander
(Headquarters 4th Armored Division Artillery 24 Sep 44, near Moyenvic, France)