191st F.A. Btry C. Camp Forrest
Name Cpl. Harold E. Ammons
Rank Corporal
Unit Battery C 191st F.A.
Stationed at Camp Forrest,Tenn.
Date of birth June 11, 19xx Weight 175 lbs.
Color White
Color of hair Black
Height 5'10"
Color of eyes Brown
Birthmarks or other distinguishing features Scar on upper lip
Nearest relative or friend
Name Mr. and Mrs.C.F.Ammons
Address 812 N. Lincoln St.
City Alcoa State Tennessee
Pvt. Joe Garcia, home is in Fitler, Miss. Inducted into the army the 2nd of April 1941. Member of no. 1 gun squad. Will be 23 years old the 2nd of October, 1941. HE IS 5'10", Dark skin, brown eyes. Weight 165 lbs. Black hair. No. 8 Cannoneer. 23/9/41
Bette Davis
Gungha Din
Jean Harlow
Errol Flynn
Van Williams
John Payne
Robert Taylor
Gene Autry
And most of the others. This was the cheap way to meet them.
JOKE I saw these people all in the post THEATRE, ON THE SCREEN.
" This simple record of my daily experiences and thoughts has given me pleasure in the writing of it. If for any reason it leaves my possession, I would like to have it forwarded to:
Name Mr. C.F. Ammons
Address 812 N. Lincoln St.
City Alcoa State Tennessee
July 4, 1941
Well, am here in camp and did nothing but sleep, and this afternoon went over to the hospital. Saw some friends. Sgt. Cook and Sgt. Garner went with me. This is a very wet 4th as usual. Plenty of popular tunes on the radio. Time for lights out so will sign off.
July 5, 1941
Went into Tullahoma this afternoon and Charles McCall and I bowled in the bowling alleys. The first time for either of us. Caught the bus back in and I went on guard at 5:00. I am Colonel Brown's orderly. Boy! What a man. The Reamer's aid for a day. What a life! What fun a man can have and not have in the army.
July 6,1941
Well, the boys are drifting in from Maryville. Looks as if some will be A.W.O.L. Had a good time being Colonel's Orderly. Did nothing but sit around and listen to the radio. There is a pretty moon with a pretty white cross in the middle. All is wet and muddy, but everyone seems happy and gay.
Nothing much to say except that it is still raining. And plenty of it.
July 8, 1941
We worked pretty hard today. I was in charge of quarters. Prepared for our draftees. Went over to the hospital with Sgt. Martin - saw Sgt. Jackson and Hunter and the boys in C – 15.
July 9, 1941
We went on schedulethis morn, but had athletics all afternoon. (We) C Btry played A Btry in softball and we won 5 - 1. George W. Garner, Corp. Crouse and I went to the show. Saw " The Devil and Miss Jones," starring Jean Arthur. Came back by the canteen and on over by the barracks.
July 10, 1941
Got up this morn. and prepared to leave for the range at 8:00.We went but on an Arsop ?? Got there at 11:30. Had motor trouble and was delayed. Ate dinner and was in gun position at 1:00. Rained and I was pretty muddy. Got a letter and good news from Shorty C A real pal and friend. Got back at camp at 5:15 and ate supper then cleaned the guns, trucks and was through about 7:30. Wrote Shorty and Chas (Smoke) Atchely. Am now gonna turn in. Adios.
July 11, 1941
I went over and took charge of some draftees for the 191st this morn. Came back and went into cleaning the barracks for Saturday inspection. Did the same this afternoon. Got a haircut and now am ready for a snooze. Almost time for lights out. It rained today and it makes a record of raining every day this month.
July 12, 1941
Well, here I am in camp on the weekend. I got messed on my way (to go to Maryville.) I went into Tullahoma and Harold Walker and I Bowled some and went to the show. Saw "The Flame of New Orleans" starring Marlene Dietrich. Had a parade this morn - hot as the devil. Listened to the Hit Parade to - nite. No. 1 was "The Hut Sut Song " 2. "Marlena" 3. 4. " The Things I Love" 5. "Daddy" 6. Just a Little Bit South of North Carolina" 7. " My Sister and I" 8. "Do I worry" 9. "Amapola" 10. "Green Eyes"
July 13,1941
Didn't do a thing today but stay in camp and read, sleep. We had a swell dinner (tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple salad, sweet potato pudding, meat, green beans, ice cream, lemonade.) Henry Arp and I went to the post theater and saw the picture "Sea Wolf," starring Edgar G. Robinson, IdaLupino, John Garfield. A pretty good picture and plenty of action. It rained today.
July 14, 1941
Well, a new week beginning and new things ahead. Our draftees are coming tomorrow and then the camp inspection next week. Tip and McCall had a wreck on the motor-cycle. Tip is injured seriously - Mac a broken leg and head injuries. I wish them luck. Guess I'll sign off and hit the hay.
July 15, 1941
At last the draftees got here. We got 53 of them. And they all seem to be swell guys. We went thru the same routine of work today. There is something wrong. It didn't rain today. Wrote letters and listened to radio and am ready for my shut eye.
July 16, 1941
Nothing unusual or different. Got a letter from H.C. but not encouraging. Same ole stuff. Went on guard at 1:30 (replaced Corp. Maples). Bob & Evelyn were here for about 15 minutes. And it rained today.
July 17, 1941
Went on Arsop. Went thru Coffee County, Lincoln, Moore, Bedford. Pretty scenery. Had noon meal in Shelbyville. Had to police up the area and an airplane came over and dropped pamphlets and littered the area. "Do it again," the captain shouted. And we did. Wilkie Everett dictated this.
July 18, 1941
Just drilled & drilled and pitched tents and everything in General. Had retreat and after supper went up to recreation hall for film pictures of Field Artillery. Am thru shining up for tomorrow's inspection. Am gonna hit the hay soon.
July 19, 1941
Shorty (Coulter), Bob Stevens, Bob Morton were down today. And boy was I glad to see them! Showed them around the camp. They ate Supper and left. Sgt. Garner & I studied the guns for Inspection next week. This is all.
July 20, 1941
Have had plenty of fun today. Took pictures & went to the recreation hall for entertainment. Charles Nazy and his orchestra were there. They played "Taps to Reville", "Do I Worry", "Little Brown Jug" "The Hut Sut Song." Katherine Cooper sang two numbers. Really good program. Am still getting ready for beginning of Corps inspection tomorrow.
July 21, 1941
Dear Diary, Started out preparations for our Corps inspection today. Set up a model bivouac this morn. out from the 168 F.A. Washed trucks this afternoon. Had brigade parade this afternoon. About 2000 were in it. Wrote H.C. to-nite. Am working ahead for the inspection.
July 22, 1941
Diary, One day of inspection is over. Tomorrow is another day. We do or we don't. Today's was satisfactory. We've been working hard to-nite for tomorrow. Wrote home. Ten minutes until lights out. To Bed I go.
July 23, 1941
This morn. we pulled out and set up a modern biviouc. We passed this part of Inspection as generally fair. Hot as the dickens. No sign of letting up. Didn't do anything but lay around this afternoon. C. Btry. went on guard at 5:00 this afternoon. It is now 9:30 so I'll turn off.
July 24, 1941 Thursday
The song "Juanita" is now being played. It reminds me of my school days, no one in particular. Has it been hot today? Well, I guess we"ll be down here until the President sees fit to turn us loose. We had it easy today. The Corps Inspection is just about a thing of the past. Got a letter from Mary L. D. today. A swell kid and does she ----. Shorty. Played ball (intra battery) had a swell time- all good sports. CecilBirchfield went to the hospital today. Probably malaria fever. Jessie Birchfield is leaving for home tomorrow. Got his discharge.
July 25, 1941
Left today at noon and am off until Sun. nite. Am at home and just sleepy as whiz. Am going to do things to-morrow.
July 26, 1941
Saw Jim C. today. Saw Newton and a bunch of the old gang. Didn't get to see Shorty tho. Went to his house but he wasn't there. Bill Crain came out and I went up to his home. Swell guy. Saw Pat P. and all the family. Met his girl f. from Seivereville. Bill Joe c. came out about 9:30 to-nite and we went up to Wimpy's. Mom and my two brothers are in Embreeville. Action wrecked my ford. A Sandidge boy ran into him. It is junk now. And now some shut eye.
July 27, 1941
Had to leave early for Camp. Left Knoxville at 1:00- got back at 9:30-10:30. Our time here. Blanche O is married. Saw her in Knoxville Sat. nite.
July 28, 1941
Well, just work,work and an inspection of personal equipment today. Nothing in the afternoon but drilling on the 155 m.m. Am going to bed early to-nite.
July 29, 1941
Had sports half the day. We chose up and Corp. Wright, Crouse, Sgt Garner, Doc Teffeteller, Sgt Martin, Cecil Birchfield and J.C. Carrigan won both games. I went on guard at 5:00 was Corporal of the 1st relief. Nothing happened.
July 30, 1941
Am getting ready for tomorrow road trip. Will be gone until Sat. noon. Won't get a three day pass this week. Got off guard this afternoon. Am tired, sleepy, and am going to bed.
July 31, 1941
Well, this maneuvering at night is OK. but it gives us an idea of what is ahead. We left at 7:30 this morn. ate dinner at 11:30 and went on to out bivouac area. Got thru about 4:30. Ate supper 5:30 and it began raining. We laid around until 8:00 then went out and set up our guns. No lights were used and we had to dig trail pits and when we got to go to bed it was 12:00. Got up this morn at 4:00.
Aug. 1, 1941
Started assimilatingfire at 5:30. ate breakfast about 8:00. Just after eating we had a gas attack. Lasted about 10 minutes. We fired theoretically until 12:00. Went back to the bivouac area and rested until dinner. After lunch there were rumors of getting paid. About 2:30 it started raining and the order came down for us to ( no. 1 gun squad) go and pull the guns out of position so that we would be ready to take off for a new gun position. AT 6:30 we got paid and started running for the rolling (canteen.) At 7:15 we pulled out and set up in a new position. The blackout was still in effect. Boy! what a pretty moon. The boys started talking about what they would be doing if they were home. We set up the g.p. and in a few min. the order came down to close station for the nite. We went to the truck, got our tent roll and proceeded for 6 hrs rest.
Aug. 2, 1941
Got back about 12:00 today. We're a hungry bunch of soldiers. Washed the guns and trucks and was off the rest of the afternoon. Boy! some were happy because they were going home- some to other parts of the States.
Aug. 3, 1941
Laid around the barracks Sun. morn. Sun. afternoon Sgt Garner and I with a few other boys went out to Cumberland Springs and went swimming. Sgt and I took pictures.
Aug. 4, 1941
Boy! what a slow day. We've been practicing for our maneuvers. Loading our equipment and riding around the block and back.
Aug. 5, 1941
Left at 12:00 noon today and went out to Hillsboro and set up a bivouac. At night we left there (raining and pouring) and went to Dixon. Set up a gun position and it rained until 11:00 Tues. nite. Mosquitoes just like airplanes. Ping-wamb us then fly away. This morn. woke up at 4:30- started to eat- had to man the 155 m.m.-fired theoretically until 10:00 and returned to camp about 12:00 noon. Boy! the blackouts are h--- and dangerous but luck rides the floats of No.1 gun section.
Wed. Aug. 6, 1941
Nothing much to do. We're gonna get to go home to-morrow noon. And stay until Sun.
Thur. Aug. 7, 1941
Have been working on personal equipment. We get off after retreat. Am gonna go home in the station wagon. Stocked up with whiskey at Crossville.
Aug. 8, 1941
Heard last nite that Bud Williams was dead. Really bad for he was a swell athlete. Got home bout 11:00. Dick Phelps rode me home. Left for Grandmother's at 7:30. (Dick, Mary Grace, Don, Myself, Jack Greene. We're staying all nite. Went to see Aunt Belle, Uncle Dave. Lois went with Mary, Dick and me to J.C. Went by M.J. but didn't see her. Came back about 2:30 Sat. morn. Got home about 11:15. Went to town and saw a lot of the old Gang. Was with Cuz (Smoke) Atchley Sat. nite.
Sun. Aug. 10, 1941
Pat Patterson came and woke me up. Chas. (Smoke) Atchley and Pat and myself went to Sevierville. Saw Pat's girlfriend. Hunted Glenn Gamble but couldn't locate him. Came back to Pat's house and ate a delicious dinner. Then we went down to CharlesMcCall's house and spent most the afternoon. Left Maryville 4:15. Ate supper in McMinnville, got here at 9;15 Sun. Nite.
Mon. Aug. 11, 1941
Cleaned on gun and prepared the gun equipment. In afternoon laid around. Had retreat in fatigues and then was off until 10:30.
Tues. Aug.12, 1941
Haven't worked any to-day. The whole battery has had it easy. Sleep and eat, except just a little work on the guns. Mrs. Mayfield was down and I looked Captain Smith up for her. Went to the show and saw "The GreatLie" starring George Brent and Bette Davis. It was a good picture.
Thurs. Aug.14,1941
Got up at 4:00 ate 4:30 packed the equipment and pulled out no. gate 8:16. Traveled and ate dinner, then arrived ShilohNat'l Park at 5:00. Pitched tents, ate supper, then Corp. Crouse, Corp.Matthews - me explored the park. We saw monuments of Civil War heroes, the Shiloh Cemetery, and then went to a place of entertainment. We walked back tho., 2 miles. Went to bed about 9:30. Wrote 6 cards, Bill, Jim, Shorty, Helen, Charles, Folks.
Wed. Aug. 13, 1941
Left out and rode all day- Nothing much happened- a few accidents, minor ones.
Fri. Aug. 15, 1941
Left Shiloh Nat'l Park at 7:40 and ate just this side of Memphis. Notes were thrown from the trucks and plenty of girls to receive them. Came through Memphis and crossed the Miss. River. Good driving and a good time. We're camping atBrinkley, Arkansas to-nite. We have a chance to go in and see the town, but I'm tired, gonna relax and take it easy.
Sat. Aug. 16, 1941
Left Brinkley, Arkansas and came thru Little Rock, and ate dinner just outside. Plenty of pretty women. We're camping just outside Arkadelphia (10) miles. We're in the war maneuvers now.
Sun. Aug. 17, 1941
Don't know when we will move out of position. Went to a river outside Arkadelphia this morn. and bathed. Had a fine dinner. An airplane (observer) is flying over now. Ice water and is it good? Boy! what a Sun. No dates. Just trees, trucks, tents. The three T's of maneuvers.
Mon, Aug. 18, 1941
We're duplicating Sunday's work except the swimming party. Went snake hunting- Killed 1 copperhead. Sgt. Garner, Red Long, and Henry Arp and myself visited the village nearby camp. A thunderstorm Mon. nite. Good supper.
Tues. Aug 19, 1941
Cleaned gun and policed the bivouac area. The advance left at 1:00. We'll pull out at 8:30. Got another snake and killed one. Plenty cool today. Our war maneuvers are really in earnest now.
Wed. Aug. 20, 1941
Pulled out 8:30 last nite. Passed thruPrescott, Ark. and into Wayne, Ark. The 191st Regiment was captured on the march by the cavalry. Were delayed 1 hour. got to our gun position about 1:00 this morn. Started firing at 4:00 and continued until 10:00 today. Am I sleepy. 18 (eighteen hours without any shut eye). Left G.P. to go to Bivouac area about 2:00. Got a bath in a stream. Am laying around now. Waiting for tomorrow
Thurs. nite
We're still at the guns. But will be off at lunch time. Boy! this nite life isn't so bad after all. It is still hot. No excitement.
Fri. Aug.22, 1941
Slept last nite. We're on the guns now. We'll go back to biviouc area. No reds in 5 miles of us. The boys are holding out good. Watermelons are plentiful.
Sat. Aug. 23, 1941
Went to Hope, Ark. today. just 7 miles. Went to the show. Saw a "Kiss before Breakfast." ( The regiment complimented "C" Battery and said that it !!!! turned out the best in the 75th Brigade. More efficient and effective was the remarks). The boys were really feeling good when they got back to camp.
Sun. Aug.24, 1941
Sgt. Garner, Corp. Crouse, Geo. Garner and myself took a walk and made a few snapshots. Ate watermelons. Bathed in the creek and laid around the afternoon. Food is good. We're gonna pull out to-morrow.
Mon. Aug. 25. 41
We stayed in position. Fired 12 rounds. Used the camouflage net. Closed station and got ready to pull out about 7:00 to-nite. Bought 4 watermelons from a colored boy. Gun squad ( No. 1) ate them. Traveling 20 miles to Emmet, Ark. and firing to-nite.
Thurs. Aug.26, 1941
Went to bed last nite about 12:00. Camouflage net was used. Got up about 4:00 this morn. All the boys in Good spirits. Didn't fire any at all. Pulled out about 12:00 and ate dinner. We're now 1 1/2 miles N. of Hope, Ark. Can get passes into town if desired. Canteen is about 25 yards from my tent. Had a mud bath today. Felt fine. We will stay here until Thurs. then on into Louisiana and "battle."
Wed.and Thurs., Fri. Aug. 27 - 28 - 29, 1941
Battle of the 7th Corp. has ended. No official winner. ( Blue or Red. We're 1 1/2 miles from Hope. Seems as if Hope appeals to the officers and soldiers. We have a nice bathing place. A mud- hole- consisting of knee-deep mud, fish, bullfrogs, and well, water. We're pulling out Sat. morn for Edwards, Ark. to stay until further orders.
Sat. 30, 1941
Left early this morn for Edwards. Population 15,000. Had a good time on the way down. Came thru. Magnolia Village, Cairo and saw my first oil well in Magnolia. It is a thrill on first sight, but not a thrill on the first smell. Most of the wells were working but no gushers were seen . At night where we're biviouced the clank, clank of the wells can be heard distinctly. It is similar to the croaking of a frog. A swimming detail was taken to the lake (6 1/2) miles out and we really appreciated it. Wet water is better than no water at all.
Sun. Aug. 31 – 1941
Well, Edwards is the swellest town I've ever been in. All the people like the soldiers. They ride you in cars - give dinners - and are really sociable. Red Long and I snapped pictures yesterday and got 1 of the oil wells. All day there was something in the air to make a soldier more welcome. Yesterday afternoon we went out to the lake and went swimming. Plenty of sea weeds and mud. But it serves the purpose.
Mon. Sept.1 1941
First thing we took the guns (No. 1) to the 108th Ordinance to have the transverse worked on. Came back and stayed on position until the order came for us to move.
Tues. Sept. 2, 1941
Pulled out this morn and headed for La. We camped two miles from Junction City. Sgt. Garner, Red Long, Henry Arp, and me walked into town after retreat. Looks like rain.
Wed. 3, 1941
Moving on down toward Ryston, La. Pop. 15,000. Went swimming after arrival. Nice town, friendly people. Pretty swimming pool - no charges.
Thurs. 4, 1941
We haven't put up a gun pos. since Thurs. week ( 1 week today) We just lay around, and clean up the gun. Study the pretty La. moon. I snapped a picture of it last nite.
Fri. 5, 1941
This morn we did nothing. We played Hdqrs. Btry in softball in the afternoon and were beaten. Regimental order came down that 191st could go swimming (Ruston.) Left and came back about 5:30. At 7:00 we were permitted to go in town on pass. I stayed in camp and snapped the moon again.
Sat. and Sun. 6 - 7, 1941
Got a 2 day pass and some of us went to Monroe, La. Sgt. Garner and I roomed together in a hotel. Went to amidnite show and got in bed about 2:00 o'clock Sun. morn. Got up about 7:00 and ate breakfast. Then saw the town and to another show at 11:00. Afterward we ate dinner and messed around. Sgt. Garner decided to stay. Corp. Crouse, Arp and I came back to Ruston and I went swimming. Got back to camp about 10:00.
Mon. 8, 1941
Moved from Ruston on down South. At present we're camped North of Jonesboro, La. Out in the woods doing nothing. We're going on a problem in the morn. About 25 miles.
Tues. Sept. 9, 1941
Went West of Jonesboro and on down pastHodges, La. and set up G.P. It was an ideal place. At 11:00 we closed station. Signal was given-> bunch of tanks coming. Set up g.p. again. And fire was direct. Order came to change g.p. again. We did. At 12:00 an enemy plane came across. The machine gunner immediately went into action. Umpire said dead. At 12:30 the Red's tanks started rolling by. We went into action. At the finish we had captured about 40 tanks, and combat cars. Metro - Goldman - Meyer and other other movie company's were in action at the scene of the battle. About 2:00 we started back to our biviouc area. It began raining and rained until we got here. It is rainy and muddy, but do we love it? I'll say no.
Wed. Sept. 10, 1941
N. of Jonesboro, La. We're pulling out to-nite about 12:00. We've been laying around all day. We're members of the Red force now. Just think, yesterday we're blue, but today we're Reds. "This is a curious world." Took 2 rolls of films today. There is a cotton field just in our front biviouc area. Our Blackout tonite will carry us to Winfield, La.
Thurs. Sept 11, 1941
Been on maneuvers for 1 mo. Seems like a year, but I'm really enjoying it. Got down here ( Calvin, La.) about 4:00 this morn. Went to sleep and woke up about 7:30. Ate breakfast, cleaned the howitzer and laid around. After lunch we snapped a few pictures. Went to the canteen and then back home. We have passes to town but don't think I'll go. It is just too dusty.
Fri. Sept.12, 1941
Got up this morn. early. Had Reville and breakfast then we got to go swimming. It was a lake about 8 miles from Calvin. Plenty of fish (no luck) and boats. Water fair. The Battery bought Ice Cream for dinner. This afternoon Sgt. Garner and I washed out our uniforms and personal equipment. The President's Speech last nite has us guessing - whether we do or don't. If - when - what time. Time will tell.
Sat. Sept.13, 1941
Went to Winnfield yesterday. Pretty nice town but too many soldiers. Saw the picture (starring Gene Autry) Last nite the 23rd Division Band played In the Courthouse square. They have a swell band, orchestra, and swing band all in one. Got back to camp at about 11:00. And to the blankets I went.
Sun. Sept. 14. 1941
Slept late - laid around and then went on a picture taking tour. Sorta got lost and back for dinner just as they were eating. In the afternoon we went swimming. A real pool and I sorta learned how to dive.
Mon.15 - 1941
Did nothing. The order did not come down to move. Rained pretty steady.
Tues. 16, 1941
Pulled out Mon. nite. Moved about 30 miles southward. We really rode. No stops (much.) The grub hasn't been so good lately. Baths are few and between moves. Killed a coral snake.
Pulled out about 8:00 last nite. We're somewhere farther south in La. Crossed the Red River. A squadron of Airplanes (Red) escorted our advance. Saw my 1st Anti - AirCraft just as we crossed the R. River. Made the trip just fine. No enemy in sight.
Thurs. 18, 1941
Went into position about 5:00 this morn. Began firing about 6:00. Half the squad ate and the other stayed at g.p. for fire missions. Enemy planes diving from high altitudes spotted Service Btry trucks and nearly give us away. We improved our position throughout the day and fired at intervals. It grew hotter during the day but around 4:00 we quit firing.
Fri. 19, 1941
We were at g.p. and biviouaced here and will be until to-morrow Morn. We went swimming (bathing) in a small creek. This is the worst place that we've biviouaced in so far. The boys are getting tired of life in the woods. They're thinking of the showers back home and the football games - etc.
Sat. Sept. 20, 1941
We're now about 3 miles fromNatchitoches, La. It has a population of 8000. Louisiana State Normal College is here. It has the prettiest building in the South. We went outside town and washed the trucks. Swam some. Sgt. Garner and I cleaned the gun then went bathing in a small stream just back of our camp. I washed a shirt and a pair of pants. Came back and it was supper time. We visited the canteen and bought some stuff then back to our tents.
Sun. Sept. 21, 1941
Got up about 6:30. Ate breakfast about 7:15. Lazy bunch aren't we? We're here until Tues. or Wed, At lunch we had chicken, potatoes, beans, slaw, cakes, and 1 pt. of ice cream. Went swimming after dinner. Saw the airport where the Red and Blue planes are landing. The water is fine. We played a game of water football. Did we have fun? The Army is swell at times, but it gets monotonous at times.
Mon. Sept. 22, 1941
We were informed that we would have four more days of battle then we would head for home. Tennessee won their 1st game of '41 season 32 - 6. But we're scored on. A bunch of us boys discovered a wild hog and chased it but it got away in the woods. Good excuse -> " it - was - too - dark." There's plenty signs of Armadillos here but I haven't seen any. We are just waiting for the signal " to move" is given.
Sept. 23, 1941
I have been in military service 4 years today. A long time but I have two more years yet. We're pulling out for places unknown today.
Sept. 24, 1941
Started into G.P. near Spanish Lake. We pulled off the road and into mud axle deep. We wenched into position and then moved into another position and it was really muddy and slick. We got to bed Wed. Morn. about 2:30. Slept in a school house yard. Next morn. we improved the camouflage. The boys got into the school house and slept during a cold sleeting rain. Stayed until 1:30 today.
Thurs. Sept. 25, 1941
Traveled southward toward Mansfield. Rains had quit and sun shining brightly. It was rumored that the War would end today. We set up position in or near Hanna City. Just across from the G.P. are oil refineries. We were lucky. A civilian shower bath greeted us there. No firing.
Friday - Sept. 26, 1941
Last nite about 11:00 the enemy dropped flare bombs. It is similar to a falling star. We weren't called on to fire during the nite. It is still rumored that we are thru the war. I'm gonna have Webster Dictionary to reword the definition of rumor. It is a pretty autumn day and some of the boys are blue. ( Although we're in the Red army.)
Sept. 27, 1941
We passed thru Mansfield on to a place about 3 miles out. We sit by the gun waiting for fire missions that never come down. There has been plenty of planes in the air today. Among them were P.40 Bombers, fighters and the new reconnaissance planes. But no dog fights have been seen. A few have dived at each other but set flight on to their missions. So far on this maneuver we haven't been dive-bombed.
Sunday Sept. 28, 1941
This is the 1st weekend we have spent in battle. Thus far in our maneuvers we have been near a town and have been permitted to go to church. But services is to be at A Btry area under the shade of two large oak trees. Chaplain Houston is to speak. Corp. Crouse and I went to the services. Afterwards we went to the canteen. We had a dinner fit for a king. About 3:00 Btry Adj. was given. We manned the guns and fired 56 rds. About 5:05 the word came down that the "War is Over." Truck horns, soldier yelling, guns firing, gave notice and ended the largest and most successful maneuver in the history of the United States. All in all, and as near official as can be stated there was 500,000 men competing in the war games held in La. - Ark. - and Texas.
Mon. Sept. 29, 1941
We're outside Mansfield in Biviouac. The War is over and we'll stay here until Wed. The Boys are happy since they've completed their 6 weeks of strenuouswork. We have cleaning of personal equipment on the program this afternoon.
Tues. Sept. 30, 1941
The last day of the month and we're here in La. waiting until we pull out for Camp Forrest. This morn we ate "sea rations" They aren't so good for an early meal but we ate them. Since the sham battle we've been inactive and more or less lazy. It is rumored that we don't pull out of here until Friday morn.
Wed. & Thurs morn - Oct. 1, 41
Nothing exciting or of importance happened.
Tues. Oct. 2, 1941
Pulled out this morn and traveled toRuston. Left at 7:16. Heard Joe Lewis, Lou Nova bout - Louis in 6th Knockout. Washed trucks and trailers in Ruston. Set up formal Biviouac Dance in town for soldiers.
Fri. and Sat. Oct. 3 & 4, 1941
Pulled out and headed for Pine Bluff, Ark. Got in about 11:00 and laid down and Reville at 5:30. Ate breakfast and then policed the area. Started out at 9:00 and ate dinner on the way. 2 sandwiches and 1 apple. Passed thru Memphis about 5:00 and were greeted with waves and notes from the fair sex. Heading for Somerville, Tenn.
Sun. Oct. 5, 1941
We are in formal bivouac. Located about 2 1/2 miles from Somerville. We have a pass until Mon. nite at 6:00. RupertBoyatt and Harold Walker and me went into town this morn. We looked over the town and then went 9 miles out to Oakland. Met a few people - came back and visited the school house. We left the school and visited the high school. It was open so we went in. We snapped pictures of each other on the stage of the auditorium. We then walked 2 1/2 miles out into the country. Snapping photos and enjoying ourselves. We came back to camp about 4:00, just a little time before mess.
Oct. 6th and 7th, 1941
We stayed in Camp for these two days because out trucks were used to move (shuttle) foot soldiers to another destination. So ends the war of Louisiana, Ark., Texas, Miss. Everyone is only waiting to return, to Camp Forrest. Then a pass to go home on the weekend.